
Photography coaching

The art of omission.
If you know how to do it, then it's pretty simple.
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Only sharp and well-lit photos are good photos! With the right basic knowledge, (flash) techniques, passion and motivation, learn how to shoot properly and thereby do the right thing with your camera (flash), point of view, reaction speed, with the result you had in mind.

Not accidentally taking a good photo, but with caution. I myself was trained by the old masters of photography in downtown Utrecht. From high-end photo cameras, lighting/metering and flash techniques, dark rooms, making your own light-sensitive emulsions, developing and printing films. I first got acquainted with Apple computers in 1986 and learned all digital photo and post-processing techniques since 1992 and have been practicing them ever since.

I would be happy to help you get started or further on your way.

Beginner or experienced, for singles and groups.
Please contact us to discuss your needs.

33 years

Active as a freelance photographer in Utrecht and surroundings.


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Assignments carried out in my career as a freelance photographer.

Take the photo you want, preconceived with the desired result.

Manufacturers seem to make it very easy for us with pre-programmed settings for portrait, landscape, sports or macro photography. However, that often does not give the desired result, not the photo you had in mind. Just because you don't know what you're doing exactly. This applies to composition, focus point, exposure, depth of field and exposure time. Existing light or the use of the (sometimes) indispensable flash.

I studied at the Photography School, but my expertise was taught to me by photo specialists who still did everything by hand in terms of settings. Whether it was black and white, diapositives or color photos. My teachers are Masters in photography, film development, camera field. Sometimes we still contact and discuss photography subjects.

In the mid-1980s, they already started programming (Apple) computers. They Learned me development schemes for films, color overviews of diapositive films (which (slide) film do you use, for example, when photographing portraits in daylight or studio flashlight, which for landscape shots or architecture, or for oil or acrylic paintings by old masters. And in the early 1990s they taught me everything about digital photography.

In the early 90s, the first digital photo cameras in the affordable segment were released. Recordings are stored on tape (Canon ION) or floppy (Sony Mavica's) with a resolution of 480x640 pixels. Display quality was still in its early stages, but the art of photography has remained the same as it did 100 years ago.

It wasn't just the field and hobby they were doing, but the entire craft of photography and photography that they taught me. I was trained daily by these craftsmen with passion and pleasure for ten years and I hung on their every day breathlessly and absorbed everything they said. I met my (current) wife at the same company, 30 years ago. After a year e not a relations, five year later we tot two children and we tot married in 2001. I left the photography specialist, starting my down business and my wife worked there for another 25 years.

Benefit number one:
Learn quickly to take sharp and well-lit photos. In a group or in person.
Benefit number two:
Practical learning in your/your own circumstances.
Benefit number three:
Image editing and archiving.

Take the photo you want, preconceived with the desired result.

I studied at the Photography School, but my expertise was taught to me by photo specialists who made photosensitive emulsions themselves, mastered darkroom techniques as the best, and worked with a wide range of professional (film and Photography)cameras. From mini spy cameras to the largest flat-film cameras.

Whether it was black and white, dia-posities or color photos. They are masters in photography, film development, self-printing in the darkroom, light meter, flash techniques, and camera field. I am lucky that I am still in contact with my first employer several times a year and I am still learning from him. Nowadays, about digital camera recording techniques, printers and scanners.

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Rick Huisinga
Huisinga Photography
Rick Huisinga
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