Tilly Vermeulen Central Netherlands Court
Hij is vriendelijk, professioneel en luistert naar de wensen van het bruidspaar. Zijn fotoboeken zijn grandioos, zijn foto’s perfect, Echt een aanrader!
Hans-Christiaan and Suze
Voor ons huwelijk hebben wij een offerteopdracht uitgezet via een website voor fotografen. Hierop kregen wij diverse reacties, waaronder die van Rick. Bij de eerste mail van Rick voelde wij gelijk al een klik. Vervolgens kwam Rick vrijblijvend bij ons lang om uit te leggen hoe dit allemaal in zijn werk gaat. Zoals velen was trouwen voor ons niet een dagelijkse bezigheid :) voor Rick gelukkig wel.De locatie, Paviljoen Puur, hadden wij al gekozen maar verder nog geen idee wat te doen qua planning. Rick heeft voor ons praktisch het hele draaiboek gemaakt door opties te geven waar wij ons goed in konden vinden. Rick was duidelijk in de prijzen en ook in wat hij verwachte van ons, dit was vooral een stuk van de bruidstaart. Rick ging bij ons weg die avond en gaf aan dat wij hem konden bellen als wij een beslissing gemaakt hadden voor een fotograaf, wij waren er echter al uit dat wij met Rick in zee wilden gaan.Hierna hebben wij nog divers contact gehad over het draaiboek en Rick kwam met leuke ideeën om bijvoorbeeld te starten bij de bruidegom thuis met alle mannen om de bruidegom aan te kleden en foto’s te maken om vervolgens vooruit te rijden naar de bruid die aangekleed werd door de dames.Voor, tijdens en na de ceremonie was Rick de hele dag aanwezig om de foto’s te maken. Wat bijzonder was is dat Rick de hele dag bijna onzichtbaar door de mensenmassa heen bewoog maar ook leuke interacties had met de gasten. Van onze gasten hebben wij daarom veel complimenten gehad over Rick en hoe een leuke man het wel niet is :).Tijdens groepsfoto’s en familiefoto’s pakt Rick zijn rol en neemt de leiding om zo iedereen paraat en op de foto te krijgen. Heel belangrijk zodat achteraf niemand gemist wordt op de foto’s. Rick is tijdens het eindfeest nog druk aan het werk geweest om ook de avond mooi vast te leggen. Na een werkdag van 12 uur (10:00 uur tot 22:00 uur) was het werk gedaan en dronken wij nog gezellig een drankje met Rick. Als vakidioot kon Rick het niet laten om alsnog af en toe zijn camera op te pakken om wat leuke laatste plaatjes te schieten.Wij hebben bij Rick 4 fotoboeken besteld van onze bruiloft, 1 groot luxe boek voor onszelf en 3 grote boeken voor de familie. Dit was voor ons het zwaarste proces om tussen de 600 foto’s de leukste uit te zoeken. Uiteindelijk hebben wij meer dan 100 foto’s uitgekozen voor het boek waardoor wij een erg mooi dik boek kregen. In het boek hebben wij zelfs een mooie actiefoto van Rick zodat ook hij vereeuwigd is in ons huwelijk Tijdens dit proces heeft Rick ons heel goed bijgestaan en is diverse keren bij ons thuis geweest om onze wensen te bespreken en uit te leggen welke filters het mooist stonden op de foto’s en welke materialen wij per fotoblad het beste konden kiezen, zoals metallic bladen voor sommige foto’s, omslag voor het boek met inscriptie en bewaar/presenteer doos.Uiteindelijk kwam Rick de fotoboeken leveren en hebben wij nog een gezellige avond gehad samen met Rick en het hele fotoboek bekeken.Rick is zijn geld echt meer dan waard en ontzorgt je van zaken die veel verder gaan dan enkel het fotograferen. Met Rick heb je haast geen weddingplanner meer nodig en Rick is vooral een erg prettige en leuke kerel :)
Bruidspaar Dewi en Ernst
Dewi & Ernst
Ron van Dopperen, Senior Communication Strategist for the Province of Utrecht
It's mainly about the matching contact with the matching feeling. Whether it's reports or portraits, Rick quickly knows how to make that contact with the people around him. Moreover, he comes from Utrecht and knows our surroundings. Always a plus!
Olivia and Nick
He listened carefully to our wishes regarding photography during the wedding, allowing him to capture exactly what we had in mind. His eye for detail, experience and creativity were evident. We are very satisfied and would definitely recommend him!
Your response
January 24, 2024
Dear Olivia and Nick, What an incredibly sweet compliment. Thank you guys! Thank you and your guests for your enthusiasm, cordiality and hospitality. Despite the stormy weather in Amsterdam East, we were able to take beautiful photos and had a very nice start to the year on January 3! Best regards and healthy and loving marriage, Rick
Renske Bakker Communication Advisor Province of Utrecht
Rick is well briefed, asks critical questions where necessary and is proactive in his photography. He is very accessible while working and easily connects with his audience (a group or an individual).
Sanne and Jerry
All the important, emotioneel and funny moments were captured and it was beautifully photographed. The wedding album is also a master piece and a treat to be look over and over again.Rick is very involved, makes you feel at ease, is very nice and fun to work with. He thinks along with you, comes up with creative and fun proposals to meet your needs. Furthermore, he is very fast at delivering, communicates everything and is very accurate. Finding a good affordable wedding photographer is quite a quest, but I am very happy that we found Rick and I would recommend him to anyone who has yet to get married. Thanks a lot again Rick, we are very satisfied! Love Jer & San/Mr. & Mrs. Van Es
Yvette and Bart
Takes the time to discuss your wishes and shows examples. Our wish was to capture the atmosphere during the day and not to focus on portrait photos, and he certainly succeeded. We barely noticed that he was there all day and evening as a photographer.
Bruidspaar Nadia en Ralph
Our daughter loved to steal the show and there was room for that too. We still look back on this day with love, partly thanks to. During the introductory meeting, we experienced Rick as a calm man who listens to your needs and thinks along where necessary. During the day itself, we wanted spontaneous photos.
Bruidspaar Miriam en Eelco
We are very satisfied with Rick's photo report of our wedding. Rick works efficiently, is not too prominent and makes you feel at ease. All agreements were fulfilled and everything was smoothly arranged and delivered.
Yolanda and Richard
We are very happy with the result!
Rianne and Sander
Bruidspaar Inske en Sjoerd Diepstraten
Tiny and Rene
Recommended for anyone who wants a good professional photographer without hassle. We had all the photos in the mail very quickly. You get al lot of digital files and a very decent price.
Bruidegom Guido De Zwaan
Good in terms of price too! Our final wedding album looks beautiful, you have a lot of choices in paper type, frame and colors. On the day itself, we managed to give the guests a photo of our photo shoot as a thank-you card. Highly recommended!
Mireille Van Kempen communication Province of Utrecht
Renske van Bers Communication Municipality of Amsterdam
Miranda De Keijzer Financial Director, PIRGROUP
Lisanne and Hans Paul
When it was necessary for the photos. I had a very good feeling about him beforehand, but in practice, he turned out to be even better. The photos were ready after a week and they were exactly what I was hoping for. When it was necessary for the photos. I had a very good feeling about him beforehand, but in practice, he turned out to be even better. The photos were ready after a week and they were exactly what I was hoping for.The important moments captured in a very professional way, little depth of field in the portraits. “Heads” jump forward. Beautiful. Great attention to detail. All guests are on it. I would say: If you are looking for a professional... Take Rick
Your response
June 12, 2024
What an honor to receive such a great review, Lisanne and Hans Paul! I'm really shining here :-) Thanks for your compliments, I really enjoyed taking care of the photography for you. A dream wedding in a dream location, so to speak. You are wonderful people to photograph, I was touched by your emotions, both in our contact prior to your wedding day and on the day itself. This also applies to your family and guests, judging by the photos. Thank you for your enthusiasm, cordiality and hospitality, also to your guests and the excellent care provided by the Castle's host and hostess. Best regards and happy honeymoon! Rick
Kids Vacation Guide, Megan Lubbers
Frieda and Philip
Als resultaat van zijn fotografiewerk ligt er nu een kostbaar en prachtig album waar we helemaal blij mee waren.Door omstandigheden was er bij mij veel tijd nodig om foto's bij te bestellen. Toen ik dat bij Rick aangaf was dat geen enkel bezwaar. Hij gaf alle tijd die nodig was en dat is zeer gewaardeerd!
Maureen and Bert
June Consultancy Jeroen de Vreede
Bruidspaar Ingrid en Jerry
Leontine and Thomas
Martijn and Ammarina Beumer
A few years ago, we already had an earlier collaboration. We liked this so much that Huisinga photography has always stayed with us. We are also very satisfied with all the suggestions/input in advance and the aftercare (and patience) when it comes to putting together our album.In short, it is very pleasant to work with Rick, so we definitely recommend him!
Lisette and Priscilla Roosenboom
Bruid Linda van Kampen
He had a good relationship with the guests, so everyone also had a big smile on their face. He was also able to work well with the videographer we hired.
Kim and Mylo Jansen
Bruid hannah engberts
Bruid Karin S
Iris Jautze senior communication advisor for the province of Utrecht
Michael van Amerongen The Mortgage Shop Utrecht Leidsche Rijn
Gerard Roos Photography
Several people who were at the funeral themselves responded with “Oh, was there a photographer then?”. Practically and administratively, Rick handled everything neatly and promptly.
Hesse Hoeksma Technical Project Manager and Advisor at RailwaySafe
His proposals show knowledge, experience and creativity, but his warm personality makes his photos very special. Thanks Rick! I recommend you to anyone who doesn't want to have photos taken just like that.
Judith Brandon Miller at Unesco
Larissa van der Zouw Communication strategist Municipality of Amsterdam and the Province of Utrecht
Frank Okhuijsen Policy Executive for the Province of Utrecht
This improves the result, with his photos he gives a complete picture but he also knows how to capture everyone individually. Clear agreements can be made with Rick about what you expect as the end result and he also complies with them. What's also nice is that he always responds quickly if there are any additional questions.
Marjolein van der Kemp, communication & organization from home
I've worked with Rick a number of times. At various meetings that I organized for the province of Utrecht, Rick took care of the photography. Whether it was an awards ceremony, the opening of a major event or photographing a presentation at a special heritage location, indoors or outdoors, large groups or a beautiful portrait, from the ground floor, from an aerial work platform or plane or with a drone, it's always good. Rick is professional, flexible, fast and takes beautiful photos with an eye for detail. And last but not least, it is very nice to work together!
Ineke Strouken, director of the center for folk culture and intangible heritage
For years, as director of the Dutch Center for Folk Culture and Intangible Heritage, I worked with Rick Huisinga. Together, we have experienced many special events. The trip to UNESCO in Paris where we organized an exhibition and introduced Sinterklaas is one of the highlights. But Rick also photographed all those traditions that were included in the Intangible Heritage Inventory. The nice thing about Rick Huisinga is that you can count on him. Giving him an assignment gave him peace of mind: it worked out. Not only does he take beautiful photos, but he also has an eye for the needs of the customer. I always liked it when he was there, especially at public appearances. I recommend Rick Huisinga to everyone.
Bridal couple Anneke and Paul
It was super cozy and beautiful photos and super cozy. A complete recommendation
Caroline Bugter, Project Manager, Province of Utrecht
Weddingplanner Anne-Marie Zuijderduijn
Dew and Ruud
Anja and Stephan Kloppers
He put together our wedding shoot in a creative way and gave us plenty of space for our own contribution.Very professional but above all original and very beautiful! Anja and Stephan
Anne and Tobias
We, as well as our guests, were very pleased with him! A personal approach, with attention to us and our guests (and a lot of beautiful photos to look back on on our wedding day) .Rick is not only a skilled photographer, but also a very pleasant person. We couldn't have asked for a better photographer!!!
Brett bannink Policy Advisor Culture Province of Utrecht
Carla Kats, director of the Municipality of Epe
Berry Vermeulen
Rick is Rick and Rick will always be Rick: a heartwarming man who makes everyone feel at ease, feels everything flawlessly and is there (unobtrusively) at any time to capture that special photo. Thanks Rick for those wonderful memories! Love Berry and Nanouk
Berry Campaign Coordinator, Cooperation, VTH Domain, Environment, Commissioning Team, RUD Province of Utrecht
That's why we also asked him for a photo shoot for our family. In addition to the many beautiful photos, in both black and white and color that we couldn't choose from, we also had an unforgettable, enjoyable morning, partly due to Rick's craftsmanship, enthusiasm and respect for everyone's wishes.
Esther van Leeuwen Communication Advisor Province of Utrecht Team IEA | Domain Operations
Francis Langenberg PROVINCE OF UTRECHT/Regional Implementation Service
Carolien Hendriks, communication advisor in the Utrecht region
With an eye for the lens and an eye for detail, Rick knows how to capture the right image for you. Rick thinks along with you, is critical, independent and never shy about shooting “some extra footage” for you. I experience working with RIck as very pleasant, clear agreements and a good result. In short, whether it's a press photo, a digital photo report of an event, business or private, you can host your assignment with confidence!